Coaching and Mentoring Training in Auckland: Better Retention and Efficiency

Coaching and Mentoring Training Course in Auckland from pd training
Gain new skills to coach and mentor better

Every employee has different needs, strengths and weaknesses.

When wanting to train employees, use coaching and mentoring training course delivered by pdtraining in Auckland and other cities.

An employee might be excellent at performing his/her job, but may be lacking in managing time properly. Another employee might be managing time perfectly and performing well at his job, but may be facing conflicts with his/her co-workers.

Identifying Training Needs

Employees have some common and some different training needs. For example, training in sales is a must for every employee engaged in sales. On the other hand, training in resolving conflicts can be a valuable asset for managers. Specific training needs must be met when reallocating duties and restructuring workloads. For best results, training needs must be identified according to the duties and individual needs of employees.

Benefits of Targeted Training

Targeted training is required when an employee or a group of employees needs to develop specific skills to increase efficiency or reduce errors. Targeted training is usually provided to one individual or a small group of employees. The training has a pre-determined goal that is fulfilled after the development of knowledge and skills during training. For example, a company that is implementing Lean Six Sigma needs its top management to have Black Belt certification in Lean Six Sigma while employees that only need to carry out orders can do with a basic understanding of Six Sigma.

Targeted training helps organisations to eliminate errors and strengthen its workforce, which helps in increasing productivity and lowering costs. Accurately identifying short and long-term goals, as well as weaknesses of employees, helps organisations provide the right training to the right people.

The results of targeted training are seen in:

  • Improved efficiency
  • Greater productivity
  • Reduction in errors
  • Smoothness in operations
  • Enhanced employee retention
  • Reduction in waste
  • Greater professionalism

An important benefit of providing training to employees is that it makes them feel valuable and increases their commitment towards the organisation.

Benefits of Common Training 

Every organisation needs both targeted and common training. With common training, training is provided in specific skill-building to a large group of employees to make organisational improvements. An organisation that wishes to introduce FISH! practices needs to provide training in FISH! to all employees that must carry it out.

The benefits of common training are seen in increased efficiency, better retention, faster adapting to changing company needs, and enhanced motivation and commitment to fulfil the company’s goals and missions.

As human resources are the building blocks of every company, employee development is vital for a company’s growth. The benefits of investing in the training of employees reach an organisation’s work culture, the efficiency of its processes, and the quality of its products/services. Accurate, timely and professional training helps the growth of both the employees and the company.

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Pdtraining delivers 1000’s of professional development courses each year in Wellington, Auckland, Napier, Christchurch, Hamilton, Dunedin and Tauranga, so you can be assured your training will be delivered by a qualified and experienced trainer.

All public Coaching and Mentoring Training courses include am/pm tea, lunch, printed courseware and a certificate of completion.  Customised courses are available upon request so please contact pdtraining on 1300 121 400 to learn more.

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