Although personality assessments like the LDP are often utilised within entry-level and high volume selection programs, they have been used to assess senior leadership candidates for more than a century.
If you are looking for a personality profiling tool, consider using Psychometric Tools offered by pdtraining in Auckland and many other cities in New Zealand.
While technology may have changed the delivery method over the years, the basic premise is still the same: executive-level placement requires an exhaustive review of the candidate’s portfolio, including leadership style and related behavioural dimensions.
Much can be said in defining leadership and in describing the ideal leader. One thing is certain: leaders exercise influence.
Yet, conventional wisdom suggests there is no one-size-fits-all approach to influencing others. Rather, the most effective leaders are those who can identify the approach most needed for a given situation, and adjust their behaviour accordingly.
The best leaders do this so well, others don’t even notice how the leader may “stretch” his or her style to exercise the most effective influence.
It is this stretching that is at the heart of most leadership development. As leaders develop such skills, it is essential that they recognise motivational tendencies that drive their behaviour as well as the behaviour of those they seek to influence.
The LDP provides just such a review, allowing search committees and selection professionals to anticipate how an individual will respond within a leadership role. In addition, the LDP’s Leading Style Guide provides an excellent follow-up resource, allowing a newly placed leader to further develop their style by leveraging strengths identified via the LDP.
The same technological advancements that have increased the quantity of applicants for every opening can now be leveraged to increase the quality of the ultimate hire.
The Leading Dimensions Profile (LDP) is a comprehensive personality inventory, delivered online with results provided instantly to the employer via email or through a secure online portal. The LDP provides employer-friendly reports which reveal the applicant’s primary work style, as well as ten dimensions of potential compatibility for a given executive position.
The LDP indicates the applicant’s overall personality profile using a four-style grid, which reveals how they may approach and manage everyday activities in Auckland such as: teamwork, selling, servicing, learning, handling conflict, and even managing others.
Together, the LDP’s overview and expanded reports provide the employer with valuable insight to support an effective hiring decision.
After developing an LDP profile for the General Manager’s role, companies will find that those matching the profile will achieve higher performance in every category.
Most notably, higher scoring managers:
- Were awarded 148% higher performance ratings
- Achieved 83% higher net profit
- Maintained 19% lower accounts receivable
- Gained 24% more new clients
Within each aspect of their work, operational, sales and financial, General Managers who more closely matched the LDP profile achieved higher performance (in both subjective and objective categories).
The result: higher performing General Managers develop higher performing teams, allowing the company to achieve more with less.
Pdtraining provides customised access to personality profiling tools for recruitment and selection, leadership coaching and development, sales coaching, corporate 360 feedback assessments and individual personality profiling for companies in Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington, Dunedin, Tauranga and Hamilton.
Pdtraining delivers 1000’s of professional development courses each year in Wellington, Auckland, Napier, Christchurch, Hamilton, Dunedin and Tauranga, so you can be assured your training will be delivered by a qualified and experienced trainer.
All public training courses include am/pm tea, lunch, printed courseware and a certificate of completion. Customised courses are available upon request so please contact pdtraining on 1300 121 400 to learn more.