A trainer has the responsibility of making the training valuable, interesting and fun.
If you are looking to build skills in training, consider participating in Train the Trainer Training Course delivered by pdtraining in Auckland, Christchurch, Tauranga and other cities in New Zealand.

Behind an excellent training session goes days of hard work and planning. To get outstanding results from your training classes, you need to prepare for training using methods that are less time consuming and effective.
1. Include Humour
Everybody loves a good joke. Introducing humour in your training class lightens the atmosphere and relaxes the trainees. Humour is a good method to encourage interaction among the trainees, and between the trainees and the trainer.
2. Be Accepting and Open
Being closed to others’ perspectives and opinions will only show the participants that you are unbiased and open for change. Even if you do not accept the method of another person, appreciate their effort and provide reasons for sticking to your method. A good reason will convince others of the value of your method or at least show them that you have a good reason to stick to your method.
3. Stay Positive
Even when things are not working as you would like them to, stay positive. Ask for help from the trainees or joke about the problem. It will help everybody to stay patient.
4. Know Your Students
You need to change the method of your training according to the skill level, age, and occupation of the trainees. Prepare for training session to suit your students.
It will help if you remember the names of the trainees, especially if it is small group of seven to eight trainees. Calling the trainees by name will show your dedication in giving the best training to the trainees, and will also make the trainees feel that they are attended to.
5. Exhibit Confidence with Humility
Being confident and assertive must not rob you of humility. Exhibit confidence even when you are nervous. After you have acted it for the first thirty minutes, you will have gathered confidence for the remaining hours.
6. Involve, Do Not Isolate
Involve the trainees in the training by asking questions, having discussions, doing activities, etc. Give time to the introverted or the reluctant to get involved, but keep encouraging them to participate. Appreciate their efforts, stay positive and open, and be accepting if some trainees do not match your enthusiasm.
7. Provide Value
A trainee is putting his/her time, effort and money into getting trained. Make sure that they receive value for it in more ways than one. You can provide value not only by sharing your knowledge and experience with them, but also by making the training session a memorable experience for them.
8. Have Fun Yourself
A trainer that is enjoying training will automatically send positive signals to the trainees. Your passion for your work will show in how you provide the training. Having fun training the participants is the best way to create the perfect atmosphere for learning.
9. Use Creativity
Creativity brings innovation, and when you use innovative methods to train, the trainees will be more attentive and receptive. Bringing newness to your training in certain things, if not all, will create a dynamic atmosphere conducive for creativity.
10. Expect the Unexpected
Even if you have prepared your training session immaculately, you can never be sure that everything will go as planned. Expecting the unexpected will help you to stay calm and be more capable of handling the problem.
Pdtraining delivers 1000’s of professional development courses each year in Wellington, Auckland, Napier, Christchurch, Hamilton, Dunedin and Tauranga, so you can be assured your training will be delivered by a qualified and experienced trainer.
All public Train the Trainer Training courses include am/pm tea, lunch, printed courseware and a certificate of completion. Customised courses are available upon request so please contact pdtraining on 1300 121 400 to learn more.