In today’s world of high staff turnover and the expectation of having multiple careers during a lifetime of working, how can you keep your best talent in your organisation?

To successfully mentor and coach, consider participating in Coaching and Mentoring Training Course offered by pdtraining in Auckland, Tauranga and other cities in New Zealand.
One proven method is by implementing a formalised corporate mentoring program! If you query any of the Fortune 500 companies in the US, you’ll find most will have a formal mentoring program in place as part of their staff development strategy.
By focusing on and developing the best talent on your team you’ll find they stay with you longer and become more productive and involved in the company.
Corporate mentoring has a different purpose and goal than coaching. Mentoring is the act of guiding, counselling, and supporting. This is vastly different from coaching. It is fundamentally teaching. However, the objective is slightly different.
Mentorship is more voluntary in nature and is less formal than coaching. The mentor and mentee agree on a broad development goal like becoming a leader. Mentoring encompasses many complex areas of professional development.
In your matching activity, we learned that coaching scenarios in Auckland include the following:
- Sales
- Customer service
- Production work
- Behavioral issues like tardiness
Likewise, we learned that mentoring scenarios in Auckland include the following:
- Networking
- Political strategising
- Negotiation
- Managing
Introducing the G.R.O.W. Model
Adapting the GROW model to mentoring is very easy to do. When coaching, the GROW model is used as a guide for the coach to structure their dialogue with their employee. The coach develops the goal and guides the employee to reach a goal the coach selects.
In mentoring, the GROW model is used as a guide to questioning the mentee on when development path they want seek. Here the mentor asks open-ended questions that form the basis of the mentoring program. Here are some questions you can use when you want to use GROW for mentoring purposes:
- Goal: What are your career goals? What do you want to accomplish in the next year?
- Reality: Where are you in relation to your career goal? What are you lacking that you need to have in order to reach that career goal?
- Options: What are activities you think will help you develop those missing skills? How do you want to go about developing the skills necessary to advance your career?
- Wrap it up: What is your plan? How do you want to go about this?
GROW is simple yet powerful. Following the GROW process consistently will develop a natural process for you. Mentoring should be natural. This puts you and your employee at ease, making the process more valuable and rewarding. Let us unpack the GROW model over the next few modules and see how to incorporate it into our daily work lives.
Pdtraining delivers 1000’s of professional development courses each year in Wellington, Auckland, Napier, Christchurch, Hamilton, Dunedin and Tauranga, so you can be assured your training will be delivered by a qualified and experienced trainer.
All public Coaching and Mentoring Training courses include am/pm tea, lunch, printed courseware and a certificate of completion. Customised courses are available upon request so please contact pdtraining on 1300 121 400 to learn more.